Published on November 11, 2006 By MsPooma In New Users
What is the easiest way to extract icons from an icon package besides opening it up in IconPackager and extracting them one by one so I can use them in Avedesk?
Thanks, Mary
on Nov 11, 2006
change .ip to .zip
open .icl with Icondeveloper
click once on the first on
shift click on the last one (highlight all)
right click and export

some, like Alpha Dista already have the icons separated once unzipped
on Nov 11, 2006
Thank you very much Bichur.
on Nov 11, 2006
or... in IconPackager, under Settings > Saving Icon Packages make sure 'Save package as individual icons' is ticked. The you can then select the package you want as icons and go File > Save As, and give it a suitable name. It will create a folder with just icons in it   
on Nov 11, 2006

Did not know that.
on Nov 12, 2006
Thank you, too Fuzzy Logic. Worked great as well.
on Nov 15, 2006
I personally use pngs files w/ Avedesk and the reason is they are smaller file sizes. So to convert them I open the icons w/ Axialis and export them as pngs...