Published on November 3, 2006 By MsPooma In WinCustomize Talk
What is the difference between the two?
on Nov 04, 2006
They're pretty much the same thing. Except skins specifically made for XP won't display properly on non-XP OS versions because the way those older versions render the theming engine or something. If you're running XP you should be fine anyway.
on Nov 04, 2006
DeviantArt? You can treat them the same.
on Nov 05, 2006
Thank you.
on Nov 05, 2006

DeviantArt? You can treat them the same.


on Nov 05, 2006
dA has two categories for Windowblinds. Regular and XP. Guess they just like confusing people.
on Nov 05, 2006

Ah...hadn't checked their list in ages...

Good to see they're into the confusion game....just to make skinning even more obscure...